Downloader lets you download videos flash video (. Flv) files to convert. FLV includes a browser that can be used to navigate the site and download any video FLV content that you meet. You can then use additional utilities that are included to convert the downloaded FLV files in various video formats (AVI, MPEG, MP4, 3GP, MOV, WMV, etc.) or to extract audio tracks from video. Hulu Downloader includes a tool that lets you convert existing video files in FLV format, or use a fixative to fix FLV FLV files that contain incorrect data.
When you first start the program appears to mask FLV Browser: in which one must Enter the URL of the page of the site where the video download the Flash movie on the Internet.
Just start the FLV browser, and visit your favorite video site. Select and play one, then click "download" to save to your hard drive.
For example: I went
at: http://video.online.ua/ and I chose to watch a video, so it appeared the video's page, I have copied (ctrl + c ) and I glued it on FLV Browser:

Finally, if you have a Flash video file corrupted you can try: FLV Fixer: who can fix the Flash movies. Analyzing and attempting a repair of those flash files that do not play properly.
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