TeamViewer v5.1.9385
mod (Full & Portable)

One of the most intuitive, easy to use and fully available in Italian is certainly Teamviewer. Developed for Mac OS X, Windows, Linux, once installed on your computer has a window with two columns: the first containing ID and password to enter in the terminal to communicate or share their desktop, and the second containing a field which to insert the ID of the other computer if you want to view and manage the desktop of a remote computer.
ID and password are of course updated and changed the start of each new session in If you want to maintain continuous access to a particular machine without having to reset the credentials each time you press the bottom right corner of the screen the button "List Partner" and tick the "Remember user profiles. Once connected, you can communicate with the remote computer through the integrated instant messaging service, such as a friend to help solve some computer problems, or just to check your computer is at home or across the world, interacting with the feeling of sitting at your desk. The application does not require any action on the system firewall or router.

Temviewer is free download for non commercial use in the "Download" section of the official website. There are also three commercial versions can be purchased from the "Shop". For owners of the iPhone and iPod Touch is available a free version and a paid version for commercial use, both directly downloaded from the App Store (requires iOS 2.2.1 or later).

How to Install:
1. Run the set-up and install
2. Do not start the program after installation
3. Copy the crack file in the program directory
4. Now you can launch the program.

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