In this dark and dreary day, the sun a few days ago seems a distant memory, I will share with you a beautiful song, from "The reality knows of bread", a collection of essays and pondering Don Luigi Verdi: talk of crisis, transformation and rebirth.
"I marks on the skin all my crisis and I know how long and how much, like a magical fear, I wrap.
difficult to understand that sometimes that fear is realized and that the magic is in the depths of the night you turn on the light.
If we want to see beyond the night can not try to measure it, we can only fill us with hope and remain open to the idea that no night is only night, but it is also Another . When you are in crisis and this view seems to contradict everything you have left only the extreme courage to make up your mind, your body, your soul to hope against hope .
I always thought every crisis is not a ruin, but an opportunity. But it is only if we remain faithful and open, if we remain, despite the hardness of the test, land that dream, knowing that sooner or later arise in us the light of a response to our shadow.
Only a well-worked ground can become a propitious ground, we are told the farmers. For this, paradoxically, a time of difficulty and disruptions can prove to be the best time for a new birth every birth is preceded by the contractions, any new lighting or serve their growing season in hell, each step of initiation is marked by the rhythm of dark nights.
And I like to think that every crisis has the effect of stones that Tom Thumb, in the wood, they always manage to show the way.
Every crisis then allows us to rise above the surface of the world to see that the fog unclimbed peaks are evident to those who live in the valley.
" before me have broken through" (Psalm 31:9).
comes a day when, in your shadow or your labyrinth, you drift unexpected that shows you the way inside nonsense.
Deep in the night, the darkness of the crisis, there is always a light to which we, or coming toward us. "
Waiting for the sun's rays come back again to kiss our skin ...
wish you all a wonderful day!
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