Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Working South Park Streamer On Cydia

laws that protect women

Dear friends,
there are fewer than 3 articles of the penal code that protects the woman to 360 degrees.
are the crime of abuse in the family, the crime of threatening and stalking or persecution.
Here you list them:

Article 572 - Abuse in the family or to children
Anyone, except for cases mentioned in the previous abuses a person's family or a child under fourteen years, or a person under its authority ', or entrusted to him because of education, education, care, supervision or custody, or in the exercise of a profession or an art, and' punished with imprisonment from one to five years.
If the fact results in a serious personal injury, the imprisonment shall be four to eight years if it results in serious injury, imprisonment from seven to fifteen years if they resulting in death, imprisonment from twelve to twenty years.
Article 612 - Threat
Any threat to others and give an unfair 'punished, on complaint of the victim, a fine of up to one hundred thousand lire. If the threat is' serious, oe 'made in one of the ways specified in Article 339, the penalty' of up to one year imprisonment and shall proceed. The penalty is increased if the violence or the threat and 'committed with weapons, or from person misrepresented, or more' people gathered, written or anonymous, or in a symbolic way (Example. sentence does not know who I am?), Or making use of force resulting intimidation by secret associations, existing or suppositories.
If violence or threat and 'committed by more' than five people together, even if only by the use of weapons by any of them, or by more 'than ten people, without the use of weapons, the penalty 'in cases provided for by the first part of Article 336 and Articles 337 and 338, imprisonment from three to fifteen years, and in the case provided by paragraph of Article 336, imprisonment from two to eight years.
The provisions referred to in the preceding paragraph shall also apply, unless the fact constitutes a serious crime, where violence or the threat of being committed by the release or use of blunt instruments or other objects liable to offend, including fireworks, so as to create danger to people.
Article 612 bis - persecution or Stalking
Unless the act constitutes a serious crime, and 'punished with imprisonment from six months to four years anyone with repeated conduct, threatening or harassing someone in such a way as to cause a serious and continuing state of anxiety or fear, or give rise to a well-founded fear for the safety of self or a relative or person bound by the same loving relationship or to compel the same to alter their lifestyles.
punishment and 'increased if the act' committed by a spouse legally separated or divorced or person who has been linked to emotional relationship to the victim.
punishment and 'increased by up to half if the act' committed against a minor, a pregnant woman or a disabled person referred to in Article 3 of Law 5 February 1992 No 104, or by a person with arms or misrepresented.
Crime and 'punished on complaint of the victim. The deadline for bringing the lawsuit and 'six months. We shall, however, ex officio if the act 'committed against a child or a disabled person referred to in Article 3 of Law 5 February 1992, No 104, as well as 'when the fact is' connected with another crime for which you must carry out an official.
For there the criminal case of stalking or stalking introduced by dl February 23, 2009, No 11 are needed as many as 3 elements
1) conduct a "typical" of the offender, 2) the recurrence of such conduct, and 3) the emergence of a particular state of mind in the victim .
1) The misconduct in question is usually due in the classic case of criminal threats and harassment , already planned and sanctioned by individual lawmakers. There is a threat if the offender to the victim a bad future prospects, so as to seriously disturb the tranquility of the victim. The harassment, however, sees if it changes so annoying or intrusive psychic equilibrium of the average person.

2) Such conduct must be repeated, the serial in the sense that the acts described above must happen in time. The continuation and recurrence over a period of time is a constitutive element. Therefore, these individual acts, if put into effect in one instance, will not integrate the criminal case under Article 612 bis cp but the more "traditional" type of "threat" or "harassment", even if you continue these ducts are in place more than a single time. An example of this behavior can be phone calls, text messages, e-mail, "surprise visits", sending flowers or gifts, obsessive behaviors to unwanted attention stalking out of the place or working from home, intentional damage to property owned by you (the machine, the mailbox, the front door, etc..) threats to people close to or bound by a bond of affection
3) Finally, such unlawful acts must cause to the victim " a serious mental health problems or to determine a justifiable fear for personal safety of self or someone close or otherwise to affect significantly its way of life." With the event of serious psychological problems, given the vagueness of the figure is meant only and exclusively characterized by pathological stress, a clinical defined severe and persistent. As for the second event resulting from the unlawful conduct, or the fear for personal safety or their own, such is the case whenever the victim as a result of the conduct of the offender, have "fear" for their safety. This mood must be evaluated in practice, according to all the elements that characterize the story and must be reported if the ex ante on the assessment of an average person. Finally, the last of the events listed above cover the case where, as a result of persecution carried out, the victim is forced against his will and could not do otherwise, to amend relevant and rewarding lifestyles.

prosecution within six months
The crime is punishable on complaint of the victim. The deadline for bringing the lawsuit is six months. Proceed office, however, that said, if the offense is committed against a minor or disabled person and when the fact is connected with another crime for which you must carry out an official.

The warning to the harasser
The person who believes that he may conduct offended by elements of the offense under Article 612-bis, as long as no formal complaint, may make
required warning in against the harasser. The request is sent without delay to the Chief that, taken as necessary information from the investigative bodies and heard people informed of the facts, if it considers the application based, verbally warned the person against whom the measure has been requested, requesting it to behave complies with the law and drafting the minutes. If the subject continues warned to harass his victim, we shall proceed against him and the pain is compounded at least third. may request the competent authority of formal notice of the same author.
Where there are specific elements that are considered well founded risk of recurrence of the offense under Article 612-bis, the public security authorities, authorized by the prosecutor shall, formally warning the suspect from committing further acts of persecution.
The warning is notified to the suspect with the forms referred to in Articles 148 to 171 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

The offense under Article. 612-a is different from that of domestic violence, in one hand because the stalking occurs mainly outside of the relationship of cohabitation, and secondly because the crime did not materialize in a physical abuse of the victim but only psychological.



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