Friday, March 18, 2011

Women Wrestlers In Submission Holds

Mental Fitness

Bon bon of welfare n.7 - Neurobica!

It is familiar and routine necessary to carry out the idea that regular physical activity to benefit our body oxygenation and also get toned and sculpted muscles, improve our capabilities and feel more healthy and fit.
if I told you that you can get the same thing, as well as the human body, for our brains? I'm not talking about the beneficial effects of physical activity, however, also causes on the mind, but a specific aerobic activity for it: the neurobica , indeed!
Neuroscientist Katz (in the mind Fitness, Ed Red, 2002) has developed this method since the discovery that neurons that inhabit our heads are more efficient in the number of connections that exist between them and thus between different brain areas. Because the optimal mental functioning is necessary to develop and foster the greatest possible number of connections between different brain areas specialized, and between them and the hippocampus, the area MP to learning. These links are not static and immutable, but are created as a response to sensory stimuli and behavior, then the greater the stimulus the more the links, but, because they create new ones, which must necessarily leave the mental routine, because otherwise our brain works in economics, leveraging pre-existing connections and known.
In summary, we can say that the secret to exercise is in full swing our head is to find solutions to new problems - developing creativity at the same time - and thus use all the senses especially in new ways.
So what are the possible exercises neurobici?
  • remember the names with the five senses : when we know a person, to try to remember the name, we try to associate it with details that characterize it (colors, smells, tone of voice)
  • Change hand: Use your nondominant hand to do daily activities like brushing your teeth, turn something into the pot, turn on the radio and if we have a little 'time to devote, you can even try to write something
  • touch, smell, taste : explore the objects and the environment that surrounds us not only with their eyes, or try to feel the fabric of different clothes, to smell the ingredients in the kitchen, tasting new flavors and unusual associations, change seat at the table to try out new points of view.
  • Change road: to try new routes to get to work or usual place or when we are in a new city to try to "get lost" to foster a sense of direction.
  • Box Surprise: Take a box, fill it with small objects (coins, keys, pencil sharpeners, erasers, candy, etc ...) and have fun with your eyes closed and put a hand in it and guess quale oggetto state toccando.
  • Chiacchieriamo! : si, lo so, questa è una cosa che ci piace e facciamo spesso, ma l'importante in questo caso è socializzare con persone nuove, entrare in negozi o bar dove non andiamo mai, scambiando opinioni e conoscendo gli altri.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Abrevadoes It Work?cold Sores

Tell the moon ...

fascinating and mysterious moon. I can hardly imagine that men over forty years ago with a white diving suit, have moved them light on its soil, as on any piece of land now of our dying planet.
The moon for me continues to have an aura of magic and questions, too close and too distant to be dreamed of living.
True, for millions of years revolves around the earth, exercising an enduring attraction and allowing natural phenomena such as tides, erosion of lands, the result of sowing and the rural life of man.
marks the rhythm of time, accompanying the changing of the months and seasons.
is a reflection of light is not his, because it does not emit its own light but manages to reflect the one received from self sun, showing us with his face sober and well powdered.
It has always been approached to women or, perhaps, is our world of women was approached to her and her laws, so that together we share the cyclicity, alternation, the changing nature ... We often say that we are 'Moody' and I, who earlier defended me a bit 'over time I learned to take it as a wonderful compliment.
front of the full moon I always feel an inner sense of completeness and fulfillment, because it represents the fulfillment, perfection, the issue of energy that seems to be enough in itself.
But if it were always like this would be the same? I think not.
A moon always equal to itself, round, immobile, full, would inevitably lead to a subtle unease, the one that catches us when everything around us is fixed and unchanging, stagnant.
The "lunatic" the tendency to mutate, become, is something essential nature of things and also in the human: us women we are most called into question because our body inevitably shows these steps with the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and why not? dancer with the mood.
The abdomen of each woman takes the shape of the moon when it is inhabited by a child, but also in its perpetual monthly feature retraces the steps of his sister in heaven: production, growth, maturation, expulsion, renewal.
BU scientists are wasted to remember that many of these issues are 'random': it is no coincidence that the female cycle has the same length of a lunar cycle, is a chance that more children are born during certain phases of the moon, is also a case that matches are found between plant life and living.
But I say that to us? Why is it always necessary to monitor and classify everything according to the analytical and sequential logic of the scientific method?
Follow the moon is also this: using intuition, inner life, sensibility and sensitivity that leads us into uncharted territory and so creative and new energy carriers.
Lilith with us. It is the dark moon, the very short time (new moon) which is in line with the sun, and disappear before our eyes.
Lilith is an opportunity. It is the most appropriate time for a change, to delete the old and make way for the new, regenerate and evolve.
Perhaps this is a bit frightening '.
Then came the growth phase: it can lay the foundations for new projects, invest energy and be dynamic.
The full moon, as I told you is the culmination of the potential and achievement, but also carries the message that something is needed to reverse course.
And then takes over the waning phase: the time reprocessed and reflection, synthesis and budgets.
And so it starts again with new zeal but also with the knowledge that if something is missed it can riacchiappare, yet another round of tournament we are allowed.
But the wisdom of the moon at the end we bring it inside, even when mature and sensible, deprives us of the cyclical nature that has belonged for decades.
Moment difficult to accept for some, for others the end of a nightmare, for others simply a new beginning.
is true, we lose the ability to create organic, but it remains intact and in fact, I believe would increase the unconscious and imaginative recreation, to give meaning to reality and their own silver and receptive nature.
Never stop to give opportunity for renewal that belongs to you.

An invitation to all: "If there's something you do not go ... Tell the moon ... it may bring good luck ... "

How Long Does It Take For Granite Sealant To Dry?


friends, for all the curious and passionate or "passions" of plastic canvas, here are the dates of the first course that I will keep my house in the province of Modena.

Saturday, April 16 15.00 - 18.00 "Familiarize yourself with the plastic canvas ..."

Saturday, April 23 15.00 - 18.00 "A puzzle to play ..."

Saturday, April 30 15.00 - 18.00 "And if a cube was not so square? .."

It is 'a must' participate in 2 meetings: while the first week is crucial for all those who want to approach this technique, it will be your absolute choice as to append the second meeting.

  • If your attitude toward the plastic canvas is motivated by the idea of \u200b\u200b create something original , then explore on their own creative heritage which offers this technique, then I wait for Saturday 23 April (the dove in his hand to wish us a Happy Easter and maybe even take your creation home as a first gift!)

  • If you want to see up close and try the "heart" of the technique , which will then allow you to familiarize yourself with the "construction" of a real three-dimensional object in every respect, then you can not miss the third encounter!

If you are interested in and spend all afternoon with me and three other "creative" to not miss anything about this new technique of embroidery, of course, just ask and you will be integrated immediately.

waiting for your membership .. Why be so

to so

or so

it only takes a little 'patience and a lot of passion!

Write on Facebook or for details on costs or any other information you need.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What Does 7b Stand For In Goldwell Color?

Thank you, women

today wandering around the internet I came across this poem dedicated to us women.
I thought that we often too little to appreciate what we are, we were and we can be.
I thought I'd give it to all the women who watch, read and live out our blog, keeping us company in this wonderful adventure.

Thank you, women who are mothers You have sheltered human joy and pain of
a unique experience that makes you smile
of God for the child who is born,
makes you guide his first steps,
support its growth, point of the next journey of life.
Thank you, women who are wives
irrevocably join your fate to that of a man,
in a relationship of mutual giving, at the service of love and life.
Thank you, woman-daughter and sister-woman, leading the family and then
the whole of society the richness of your sensitivity,
your intuition, your generosity and your patience.
Thank you, women, engaged in all spheres of social life,
economic, cultural, artistic, political,
's indispensable contribution by all'
development of a culture which unites reason and feeling,
a model of life ever open to the sense of "mystery",
to building economic and political structures of the richest humanity.
( taken from "Letter of John Paul II to Women" in 1995 )

Thank you all

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Brent Corrigan Vs. Brent Everett

In search of lost pampering

" Ask yourself if you experience these feelings: dissatisfaction, inadequacy, depression, obsessiveness, complaints, claims, accusations, fear, anxiety. If you have it, you're a neurotic 'baby'. Do not shoot right away. Wait. Your case may be tragic but not hopeless. Write me. Let's see what we can do. "

Thus Jacob Julius Caesar introduced his book (
" Cuddles In Search of Lost. A revolutionary psychology for the singles and the pair " . Milano, Ponte alle Grazie - 2004) on the back cover, with the style that characterizes it ironic and insightful, managing to convey important content in a light and a bit 'challenging, to put the reader to question and reflect.

He himself admits that this text as well as being a scientific treatise, based on a clinical practice for over ten years, wants to be a popular handbook of evolutionary psychology, and aimed at all ("
is more advantageous for ' humanity that a book is read by thousands of ordinary people from two specialists

We all have many personalities that are activated under different environmental conditions: in this sense, personality is a self-image that directs our behavior to be put in place efficient adaptive responses to the environment.

However, there are three very "natural" common to all, or that of CHILD, the adult and the parent, which should succession spontaneously during the normal biological and psychological development. Looking at the animals there is a natural evolution from the state of puppy to adult and then as a parent, but once his obligations with regard to such states are reached, are interchangeable depending on the situation: if an adult is in the game situation repeats its patterns of behavior of the puppy, or in danger, is capable of protection (parent) to the weakest.

In the human personality, the three do not have a natural spontaneous evolution, but are influenced dall'affettività, introduced into the human psyche through the development of cerebral neocortex. This means that in addition to the behaviors and modes of social relationship take over a third variable is the ratio of pampering:
the child always needs someone's face cuddles cuddles adult you alone and does not need anyone's parent is the only one capable of doing other pampering
The child is like an empty vessel of liquid love to be filled at least enough to love himself, or to become an adult. The adult is in fact a jar filled for most of the liquid of love. But if we love each other we can not help but to love others and then we become parents: the parent is a vase overflowing with love, but not only for his children, the real parent's love for all, without exception.

Each of the three personality has negative and positive aspects. The child , Not being able to dominate the environment, lives as a fundamental condition of fear and demands absolute dedication and exclusive (jealousy is a disease of childhood). At the same time is able to submit, to apologize and help and is able to play.

L ' adult dominates his area and the basic condition in which he lives is that of freedom: he does not depend on anyone, do not need the approval of others and has an unlimited self-esteem. Accept reality as it suits you ... and never asks for, gets what he wants. The adult is capable of friendship, as a relationship based on pleasure and not on need, then equal. Despite this description of perfect efficiency,
the adult, as the shark, has major flaws, from the point of view of social life: it is not capable of submission, can not play and does not help you even if you are sinking in quicksand, unless you have a personal gain.
The parent is able to devote himself to others, because they are no longer afraid: he loves, in the sense that it could accept, respect and compassion for all, and this love is for him a source of pleasure, he does feel stronger, higher.

Apparently the parent has no downside, except that the real parent is someone who is parent to all and not only to their children and, unfortunately, the parents of this nature are very few (
just go to a game of football where the "parents" just cheering for their children

While the girl personality structure spontaneously at birth, adulthood, and parents need to narrow places: the affection of a figure reference, a behavioral model of reference and be in the actual state of existence (in the solitude transition to adult and dedication and protection in step a parent). The succession of personalities in the process of psychological growth is sequential and unidirectional: you can not be parents first if you have not grown up. Neurosis originates in this: the inability to activate the natural personality suited to the environmental situation. This failure can occur in two ways:
  1. non-activation of a specific personality (or inability to simple because unstructured)
  2. compulsion to always activate a specific personality (for automation or no structuring of the other persons above).
The most common is infantile neurosis which manifests itself as forced child's personality, constantly seeking attention, aid, protection, affection, devotion, love of others. The 'neurotic child' claim to be loved always and exclusively:
Codest beggars of affection and love in the first attack shows that a minimum of attention and willingness, if not dangerous affection, and it arbitrarily and unilaterally elect their papà o loro mamma, senza che l’altro gli abbia rilasciato alcuna autorizzazione allo sfruttamento o al possesso affettivo. “Innamoramento” è il nome che loro danno normalmente a codesta condizione patologica.
Ma essere innamorati non è amare: è bisogno di essere amati. Da questo argomento, Giacobbe fa derivare tre leggi psicologiche:
  1. nessuno può pretendere di essere amato
  2. nessuno può possedere nessuno
  3. nessuno può far soffrire nessuno (la sofferenza psichica è il risultato della lettura personale degli events and situations and not a consequence of the same objective).
The neurotic child-proof so much suffering because of the creation of expectations and waste, because it is unable to dominate the environment. Just like the real baby, the reality is invaded by neurotic fears, which in his case, however, are mostly imaginary and prevent him from living comfortably on present and future: the anxiety-depressive neurosis is essentially an infantile neurosis.

The author states, however, that there is something worse than anything that the "child disguised" as an adult or parent:
if it's not a parent if it takes is an adult and if it does not take requests but only if a child has long hair ten centimeters.
The adult neurosis is almost as terrible as childish: the neurotic adult is almost incapable of being a child or parent when the situation warrants. Do not know how to live life lightly, can not play and be humble in situations that allow it, though in general the adult neurosis is more socially acceptable: not alms love, care protection, comfort and commitment. Do not piss anyone. It is his business.
But it is always of neurosis. He can not play, he can not laugh, he can not play, he can not apologize, he can not protect, no tenderness, can not be affectionate, he can not do the little darlings, not love, not human. It sucks.
The neurotic parent is a parent systematically punitive or authoritarian, which is only interested in himself, using his superior role to feed his ego. He does not give selfless love for only to be thanked, flattered, flattered and recognized as an authority or as a generous donor, it is a paternalistic parent. This does not mean that the parent should never correct or punish his children, but must do more to explain where the child was wrong and why they should not do that anymore. Proper education is that which brings the child to become capable of sinking alone all the problems of the environment, not the one that meets the needs of narcissistic self-affirmation, sadistic, punitive and repressive of the parent.

It is not the authority, which should carry the parent, which is always a form of violence, but the ' authority, that the prestige earned by their selfless love, with his experience, his wisdom and, above all, his own example.

Couples neurotic neurotic characters are those formed by the types listed above, and couples are always wrong, whatever the choice that creates them.

There is only one kind of healthy couple, that of child-adult- with parent-adult child-parent , or when all the personalities were formed spontaneously in the order psychological and natural two people can be, for each other, now children, now adults, now parents.
A couple that can last an eternity. It is made of two poles firmly planted in the ground, each of which can stand on its own, without the help of others. But together they make a fence that will withstand any attack, any wind any invasion. A fence that will never collapse.


Friday, March 11, 2011

Games You Can Play On A Dartboard

Paint your mood

bon bon # 6 - Paint your mood

Given the success of colorful art and DIY "of last Friday's post (found here ), I find myself today to offer something similar, but even more fun!
I like the idea of \u200b\u200bwriting The occurrence of this post like a cooking recipe, where each ingredient has its weight and importance to create a single dish, a combination of different flavors, to enjoy with all senses.
Here is our "shopping list "

  • A sheet of paper or cardboard, A4 or A3, white or colored, as you prefer (I will prepare them both, do not put limits on the widths and possibilities of your imagination)
  • scissors
  • glue stick
  • magazines of all kinds
Decide on a theme on which to focus your energies, something that stimulates your creativity or a topic for which you want to work to stimulate lateral thinking and imaginative. I give you opportunities, but also leave room in here that brings out your inner life, perhaps collecting them in a few minutes of silence, breathing quietly and leaving words or images emerge spontaneously, without judging.
Some issues may be carriers of reflection: love, couple, calm, serenity, happiness, renewal, friendship, family, strength, joy, energy, freedom, project / s, needs, and who I am ...
When you pick a word, you begin to browse through magazines and choose images or fragments of them, words and phrases that strike your attention on the link that you find with the argument. Feel free to choose what they instinctively associated, without trial, without criticizing the relevance or not.
If you like, even put in background music that you like or be your source of inspiration and freedom.
Put all the time you want, you can enjoy this moment all your own.
Once you feel that you have finished selection process, carefully cut out the images you want to use, take the package that best fits the composition you have in mind and begin to attack everything in the way you like.
The result will be unique and special and can give you helpful hints on the meaning that you have that word, concept or idea. In this way you can bypass the rational thought, so what emerges is the result of work unconscious choice of images, which acquire meaning only when interpreted.
I did a while back when I was reflecting on the meaning for me and inside me would With the project of-touch.
The survey showed meaningful images, which have increased in me the power of 'initiative and the promulgation of the idea, I have opened up new possibilities among which also the insight to create this blog.
In that case I used a large sheet of paper (which I can not scan to show you!), Now I keep in my studio and continues to have its propulsive energy: it reminds me of the aspects that I want to work and encourages more connections design.
You just have to try. I hope I can give the same life force to you.
Good Week end all!

Best Bmx For £100 And Under

mesh 'AT HOME - plasticchiamo together!

If Mohammed will not go to the mountain, the mountain that is go to Muhammad!
It is said that when a thing can be interesting for many but it may become impossible for reasons external to our will?!?
of questions I always do a lot: "But how did the plastic canvas?" - "But how do you create a cube?" - "But you know how to embroider before you try?"
And the first online courses made on the subject, as well as c / o some shops in the area were very welcome, just because all the participants found that should not be to navigate crocettine "plasticcare" that the plastic canvas and is not intended as a replacement technique of cross stitch, but as an alternative to create objects that cross the point could be only "represented" on a canvas and made "live "....

Not all shops, however, are receptive to the plastic canvas, because the result of the purchase price should be reasonably available to the canvas to keep their customers ... but still none of them decided to do so, giving preference - I think in a purely commercial - to techniques that are all the rage, as the country painting, for example!

But mesh 'do not lose heart ..

And so he tried a similar formula of course home

soon inaugurate the afternoon meeting at my home in Modena, the more fortunate who live nearby.

For those who live farther : Call right now who have enough space (a table and 12 chairs in the house or outside in good weather) - and is for the company and the desire to learn - to contact you to consider whether and how to organize a course of plastic canvas home.

- is easier to organize - among friends and acquaintances,
- you know a new technique and new people :
- cheaper than in store and are not likely to have interrupted the "external" as we work;
- they end up "plasticcare" a go-go

Disadvantages :
- it remains uncertain a technique that is "difficult"
- you exit the shell cross stitch and this means that only the "painters" experiment techniques
always new, embroiderers and we remain on the nail!
- not have the opportunity to share with me ...
How does this board - strictly in plastic canvas (borrowed)

For detailed info write to my e-mail:

nice day!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Free Actual Size Pinewood Derby Car Templates

The dance of seduction

Because I like to talk about a dance?
Why seduction, when healthy, is something that happens as in a pas de deux, is a harmonic movement that develops in the dynamics of gestures that match and match and bring the contact to evolve. Otherwise it is instead of handling, grooming, a suggestion aimed at getting around the other to take in areas that did not match.
There is a 'commonly used expression that calls to "unleash their seductive weapons ", referring a little 'idea of \u200b\u200bmeeting with the other as a battlefield, and this makes us understand how we are now in daily use soaked the negative meaning of this process, which ultimately rather that approach is likely to separate.
Another injury is the belief that seduction is something closely related all'avvenenza, while in reality it is something that goes beyond mere physical appearance: there are women (and men) that fill the space, as move, how they talk, how they look ... there are even people that have a natural and spontaneous magnetism, allure without even knowing.
In general, however, the first steps of this dance are moved from the eyes, then switch to the word, and finally to the actual physical contact. Even though his eyes have a role that goes beyond the simple ability to be run effectively on the other: our, a look that must be observed, and note that knows how to decrypt messages sent each other, because each person is and only encounter with her can not be equal to another.
why I am opposed to anything that passes for seduction techniques or literal interpretations of the message body: seduction is a real meeting .
is the meeting dell'energia di due sguardi portatori di significati nascosti, è l'incontro di palpitazioni ma anche reazioni estranee e improvvise, è qualcosa che indugia, gira intorno, sa attendere. Rifiuta a volte, ma per poi riaffermare.
Come tale è qualcosa che dura nel tempo, come una danza, un avvicendarsi di posture, posizioni ma soprattutto di costruzione di complicità. Se manca questo emerge solo la parte più brutta della seduzione, quella che nel senso comune spesso la rende avvicinabile a qualcosa di adulatorio, maliardo e stregato, fine a se stesso, perché rimanda alla logica dell'usa e getta.
Gli ormai citatissimi studi sulla tell us that communication in the dialogue with the other predominant aspect, against all odds, is the non-verbal language (the simple content of what we say aloud accounts for only 7% as against 38% of the way in which the say and 55% of body language), then a fortiori, the seductive process makes even more sense when compared to a dance, where the body is the master.
If we see two dancers, perceive as being required to coordinate and get to know each other well for a smooth and beautiful. Also important is the context and the adaptation to the music.
Metaphors aside, it may be true that if certain words or movements, acting out in a make sense, in another situation may be out of place and inappropriate.
And then, no dancer is just such a couple: the first of a two-step should be an expert and knows his or her physical and expressive.
order to transmit to another something I need to be aware of what moves me, why and how, in addition to being able to channel it constructively. Like all dancers know, you must be constantly double-gaze on himself and on the other, which allows it to be aware of the overall process. When I think and I only see myself, but even when I lose myself in the other leaving only my needs, I also lose sight of the report, that magical relationship that is created only if we are both there and on the same wavelength.
I can be very good at doing flips, but if I do it while the other person you expect to do a waltz, we will surely two talented musicians, each in its kind, but together we will not go away ...
I have always clear where I began and where the other begins, or you risk stepping on one another's feet and obstruct the harmony of the final result.
There is a beautiful scene of a film on which many women have dreamed of, or Dirty Dancing ( find the video here). It is the story of an initiation: the dance, love, sex and adult life.
"This is my space and this is yours, I will not go into yours, you can enter the mine," it starts like that and you get closer little by little ... in a process of complicity , trust and intimacy ... to the tune of Hungry Eyes, leaving only the eyes may be starved of the other: a bit 'hard for the rush of those who by nature is more inclined to action, but not impossible, and certainly, then more satisfying. Earning the trust allows you to open all the possibilities to enjoy the mutual seduction in all its forms.
If we see this in mind seduction becomes a path, there may be continuous stimuli, does not end only in the space of the first meeting or so.
Seduction may exist in the pairs of long, because you can always experiment with new dances.
Seduction really can arise from small gestures, attention and novelty, due to changing tastes, evolving needs and preferences, but this is still possible if we look with curiosity to see how you did the first time what can please themselves and each other and comunicandoselo.
Here we are then the paradox of seduction: if the etymology (if -Duco ) indicates that its meaning is "to lead him, in fact, experience teaches us that you can not really lead anyone to us, if not before we got close to him / her, we see them as we are concerned and we have to decipher his actions and then find out who he is, what he likes ...
Seduction is like the climax of a tango ... calibrated gestures, slow, and after a sudden, I decided, and then again studied, alternating wonderful magnetism of pure body and desire. But to have this magical effect, let us remember that we must necessarily take part in two. So, instead of the faint twinkle of a straw, it will be the lighting of a sacred fire.
good dance to all.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Muscular Women Manual Strangle


... did not arrive a few days ahead!

beautiful sunny day today, which of course I'll enjoy at home with tracheitis, "but with his mind full of ideas and the desire to create.

If I could go a bit 'run to the park in front of the house, with my Cagnoni - securely fastened to a leash, otherwise it would you run me! :-)
Since there can fall back on a fantastic breakfast, open all the shutters of the house to let in this wonderful light and I will get to create ...

I leave you with the latest creation of mine that appeared in the March MILLEIDEE ...

Small gift "flowery" this season, I hope you do not want too much again this year! ! ! !

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How Much Does It Cost To Make A Backyard Ice Rink

whole life

This morning I woke up full of love. It seems to me the opportunity right to share with you this story, which was sent to me long ago, mixed with work email, advertising, and friends. Maybe some of you may know already, but read it however, raises a smile and open heart and this is always good.
" It was a hectic morning when an elderly gentleman of eighty years arrived to have stitches removed from his thumb. He said he was in a hurry because he had an appointment at 9:00. Detects the pressure and I did sit down, knowing it would passataoltre an hour before anyone could see it. I saw him looking constantly at his watch and decided, since no I was busy with other patients, that I was going for business of the wound. At first sight, the wound seemed healed I went to pick the tools you need to remove the sutures and the wound rimedicargli. While taking care of him, I asked him if he had another doctor's appointment because he had such a hurry. The old man replied that he had to go to the nursing home to have breakfast with his wife. I inquired about his health and he told me that he was suffering from dall'Alzheimer time. I asked him if the wife did not think If I make a little 'late. He told me that she does not already recognized by 5 years. I was surprised and asked him 'and still go every morning even though she does not know Who is she? ' The man smiled and patted him on the shoulder saying, 'You do not know who they are, but I still know who you are'.
I had to hold back the tears ... I had goose bumps and I thought, 'This is the kind of love I want in my life. True love is neither physical nor romantic. True love is acceptance of everything that has been, and will not be. The happiest people are not necessarily those with the best of everything, but those who make the most of what they have. Life is not a question of how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.
Be kinder than necessary, because each person you meet is fighting some kind of battle
. "

Can Implantation Bleeding Stop And Start Again

The shadow of love with women and other complications

Today is the day on which exalts the feminine, in which they remember as they are beautiful, important, radiant, vital, happy, rich life, worthy of rights, companions, mothers, daughters, friends, sisters, lovers, grandmothers, all women.
Today is the day in which I will respond to a visceral impulse to write how complicated being a woman, driven by demand and enhance not only our lights but also the billions of shades of gray through which we express our feelings, veering dangerously close to the blackest dark and deep, on some occasions.
Maybe because I was always struck as a child, the narrative that equates the birth of this "party" with death of hundreds of workers who fought for their rights, or perhaps because I'm reading a book very difficult to digest, a pulp sociological indelibly stained by the blood of wounds from the effects of which no reader can be free (" King Kong girl " by Virginie Despentes) , which opens with these cruel words:
" write on the side of ugly, ugly for the old, the trucks, frigid, the bad end, inscopabili, the hysterical, the calibrated, all excluded from the great market of the beautiful woman . "
today I borrow these sharp words, to be able to address all our parties, all aspects of women living in us, because, as I wrote elsewhere , we are far from being just one, but around the world in some ways prefer not to see them, judge them or cancel them .. and sometimes we with him.
I always reverence for those women who find the courage to show the world also so controversial and painful aspects of themselves, those who dare to challenge the taboos of silent and not said, recounting episodes of his life, or imagining stories where the protagonists are anti-heroines, characters awkward and difficult, cumbersome women, odious, perverse, losers, "bad."
some of you might be offended, but we must tell you that all these terrible women are inevitably part and parcel of each unconscious.
Behind the one who is too good laughs in the shade the other side of the coin, treacherous and vindictive, behind the one who does everything to be beautiful, handsome, charming, hiding the ugly that you will not hear ever the height of pleasure behind the "holy", lust in the dark "whore" ... darkness of our unconscious there is what Jung called the shadow aspect, the archetype that embodies all the features (which are part of the repertoire of behaviors of the human soul), but who have been convicted, removed, split off and relegated out of consciousness.
is difficult to speak of all this, because we are always ready and alert to the internal censor warns us and do keep their distance from what is considered "inconvenient" "scandalous" unacceptable. " These statements may arouse indignation and resentment, and I understand and accept, because it happened to me long ago.
We are never prepared to recognize, much less to integrate, so our parts on two feet uncomfortable.
Luckily, it was thanks to shake those who are disobedient brat been able to evolve and be acknowledged equal dignity with men.
Had it not been for the feminists who were screaming their sexual freedom on the streets, at the risk of being deemed unscrupulous and despicable, would not be here, free to choose a partner for one night for an hour or a whole life, or even not to choose.
Had it not been for and against the rebellious part of some, were still at the same position of subordination or nailed in roles from "good girl" without needs and desires.
A friend wrote a post yesterday about the meaning of pink (you can find here ), while I already entrenched behind these damn lines and revolutionary, and his words helped me.
Pink is the color of unconsciousness, part of our naive not knowing the world and has no experience. That's because the girls really like pink: representations, pampers, softens, refers to feelings muffled and not dangerous. It is also one of the reasons why it is more comforting, by males, associated with the world female: the woman who has too much familiarity with black and with gray might be a witch! ;-)
is why often in adolescence comes that irresistible attraction to the color of the night, you begin to know, you want to emancipate, you are attracted to the forbidden, the unknown, the risk and pain, because through to them is experienced and we grow.
But a woman who knows, who has made his experiences, that can not be overcome is a danger and therefore is prevented and fought, and not all have the tenacity to persevere in this path, some succumb and others give up , the third of forgiveness ... relegating the energies that gave birth to this awakening, in the deepest depths of themselves, denying nuances and identifying with stereotypical models.
Today I want to celebrate instead of just those sub-personalities imprisoned, chained, doomed to hell. But it is not an incitement to rebellion. You are invited to visit him, to see and recognize, forgive, if needed.
In some stories, cartoons or movies, we are witnessing the struggle of good against evil: the good guys always win in the end the bad. Reinterpreting this fight, which is nothing but the symbolization of the perennial conflict that we carry inside, in the course of our lives, I would say that the essential element is the very face the shadow side, that makes us more afraid, because it can be overcome only by recognizing and incorporating into our personality, making it more acceptable and sweetened instincts more complicated. This is the payoff: the inclusion, not elimination.
should get out of the perverse logic of the authority - either / or, black or white, light or dark, because they serve both.
should try a summary. Venturing into the gray.
" because the ideal white woman, seductive but not a bitch, but marry well not canceled, but that works without being able too, not to crush his man, lean but not addicted to the diet, which is young for an indefinite period without being disfigured by cosmetic surgeons, but not totally absorbed mother made from diapers and homework , good hostess, but not traditional home, but less than a cultured man, this white woman, happy that we are constantly brandishing under his nose, one to which we should strive to look like, apart from the fact that the air to break the boxes for a while, anyway I never met her anywhere. I believe that there "says Despentes.
I actually think there is, as long as we replace all those " but ... with many " also " (and even seductive whore, marry well, and sometimes even erased, that successful work, but no, he decides that it does not need to crush his man , thin and addicted to the diet at one time or fat and addicted to food in another ...) then provided that include rather than separate, because I am convinced that behind the outrageous and angry Despentes hides a sweet, naive and demure girl.

Happy March 8 at all, any woman choose to be today.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Installing A Door Panel On A Thermador Dishwasher

sweet dreams ... and simple but fun childhood games ..

was a long time I wanted to improvise as the author of mobile games for Baby ...
MILLEIDEE gave me the opportunity of sponsoring this new entity mesh ', which was included in the section dedicated to children's games.

I chose pastel colors , alive but not too inconsistent with the ability of an infant immediately recognize the colors.
Simple shapes such as hearts, large and small cubes and completed with the insertion of a small rattle inside ..

I materials to complete are easy to find on the market: elastic nylon thread to create the rows from which to hang the hearts and cubes with a S hook to hang the mobile game with tape and felted just enough to stiffen the bandwidth of the game (like what we buy to attach to the bottom of the doors as draft excluder) ..

For children who are out of the cot and began to speak, one of the most classic games of the range mesh ', now also the subject of the courses do-it-yourself experiment around Italy: a puzzle .

Silvia (the journalist MILLEIDEE) among the many animals that are used to reproduce the has scleto hen in perfect theme Pasquale ..
Perhaps the most vivid colors as to represent, and at the same time, the easiest to try to reproduce the diagrams that are listed at the end of the magazine.

If you want to enter the world of mesh 'or ask to customize something, write to: or contact me on Facebook!

Driver Holtek Ht 27c512

Many women come to me asking for the separation because they are in love with another man.
Council to these women always a path of caution and awareness of staff before making any move, because .... Well if the couple is over does not mean that the new patner did not turn out a new flop! Many friends rise from one disaster to another, believing each time you hit the love of their lives!
fact, when we live in love with a beautiful film, we increase the levels of serotonin in the blood, we are more beautiful, we feel better physically and mentally, but everything takes about six months a year and then ... right, after a bit 'of time, the situation becomes normal, everyday life takes on characters and then begin to see the new patner in all its humanity (vices and virtues). And so we find that it is not even him Prince Charming, but yet another toad.
This is because we moved but not by an awareness of a need or worse still a fantasy.
The needs that drive us to fall in love with the most varied, differ from woman to woman and vary depending on the experiences of her family of origin: the need for protection, that of communion, the need for recognition, the need to adapt to social conventions, the need for motherhood, the need for transgression .... They are all our needs that we project in patner, which in turn throws the other on us.
And when you act according to a need sodisfatto it rises immediately after another and when this new patner not satisfied with changing patner ...
not get me wrong: I have nothing against the variety of emotional experiences! In fact I think are very useful as all experiences.
But I believe that experience is such because it offers us a lesson and then we learn from our mistakes!
Let us in, let us ask ourselves what we need to meet this man or this woman, what makes us know and we seem so special?
And fall in love with this knowledge, knowing to live a movie, that can turn into a lasting love or a story, but that helps us grow.
And then my friends fall in love ... with passion and knowledge!
And always be ready to laugh at you so autoiroinico with kindness and love and look to your past romances, thanks to which you have known, experienced a new part of you, you have put another small piece in the mosaic of your Life!