today wandering around the internet I came across this poem dedicated to us women.
I thought that we often too little to appreciate what we are, we were and we can be.
I thought I'd give it to all the women who watch, read and live out our blog, keeping us company in this wonderful adventure.
Thank you, women who are mothers You have sheltered human joy and pain of
a unique experience that makes you smile
of God for the child who is born,
makes you guide his first steps,
support its growth, point of the next journey of life.
Thank you, women who are wives
irrevocably join your fate to that of a man,
in a relationship of mutual giving, at the service of love and life.
Thank you, woman-daughter and sister-woman, leading the family and then
the whole of society the richness of your sensitivity,
your intuition, your generosity and your patience.
Thank you, women, engaged in all spheres of social life,
economic, cultural, artistic, political,
's indispensable contribution by all'
development of a culture which unites reason and feeling,
a model of life ever open to the sense of "mystery",
to building economic and political structures of the richest humanity.
a unique experience that makes you smile
of God for the child who is born,
makes you guide his first steps,
support its growth, point of the next journey of life.
Thank you, women who are wives
irrevocably join your fate to that of a man,
in a relationship of mutual giving, at the service of love and life.
Thank you, woman-daughter and sister-woman, leading the family and then
the whole of society the richness of your sensitivity,
your intuition, your generosity and your patience.
Thank you, women, engaged in all spheres of social life,
economic, cultural, artistic, political,
's indispensable contribution by all'
development of a culture which unites reason and feeling,
a model of life ever open to the sense of "mystery",
to building economic and political structures of the richest humanity.
( taken from "Letter of John Paul II to Women" in 1995 )
Thank you all
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