End last year was kindly renewed the invitation to participate in the preparation of MILLEIDEE of March (for many Italian cities already on sale ) and propose different designs for three separate issues.
Spring, the world of cat and one in which mesh 'can consider "surfing": games for kids of all ages. Despite the time
layout of a newspaper can seriously undermine any creative non full-time as unfortunately I am, in a Christmas market and the other I have been busy experimenting with what might best fit into this new issue of MILLEIDEE.
The story is better then having to redo the creations because "loss parcel "...:-(
Silvia (the journalist in charge of services) and I were in a panic.
But when I received the magazine pages devoted to mesh ', the thrill of reaching my dream was great!
Sometimes cr eare - instead of buying - gives enormous satisfaction, especially when it tends to make something that is never the same as the previous one, in respect of customization request received.
I show just the first of five creations made, what I enjoyed most realize, is also the first time I did one.
For the theme of WORLD CAT I opted for a nice cat "segna-porta", o "pannello" come la cara Silvia ha voluto presentarlo a pag.49 della rivista.
E - senza assolutamente esserne informata - ho scoperto che il cartello appeso al collo del mio gattone è stato un vero e proprio apri-pista per la gatta di MILLEIDEE, che così può garantirsi il rispetto di chiunque usi bussare a casa sua!!! :-))
* Le spiegazioni (complete di schemi) per come realizzare questo segna-porta le troverete, come tutte le creazioni raccolte
nella rivista, in the last pages ...
Who would have thought that I could live with a cat despite my ancestral allergy hair!?!
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