Monday, March 7, 2011

Driver Holtek Ht 27c512

Many women come to me asking for the separation because they are in love with another man.
Council to these women always a path of caution and awareness of staff before making any move, because .... Well if the couple is over does not mean that the new patner did not turn out a new flop! Many friends rise from one disaster to another, believing each time you hit the love of their lives!
fact, when we live in love with a beautiful film, we increase the levels of serotonin in the blood, we are more beautiful, we feel better physically and mentally, but everything takes about six months a year and then ... right, after a bit 'of time, the situation becomes normal, everyday life takes on characters and then begin to see the new patner in all its humanity (vices and virtues). And so we find that it is not even him Prince Charming, but yet another toad.
This is because we moved but not by an awareness of a need or worse still a fantasy.
The needs that drive us to fall in love with the most varied, differ from woman to woman and vary depending on the experiences of her family of origin: the need for protection, that of communion, the need for recognition, the need to adapt to social conventions, the need for motherhood, the need for transgression .... They are all our needs that we project in patner, which in turn throws the other on us.
And when you act according to a need sodisfatto it rises immediately after another and when this new patner not satisfied with changing patner ...
not get me wrong: I have nothing against the variety of emotional experiences! In fact I think are very useful as all experiences.
But I believe that experience is such because it offers us a lesson and then we learn from our mistakes!
Let us in, let us ask ourselves what we need to meet this man or this woman, what makes us know and we seem so special?
And fall in love with this knowledge, knowing to live a movie, that can turn into a lasting love or a story, but that helps us grow.
And then my friends fall in love ... with passion and knowledge!
And always be ready to laugh at you so autoiroinico with kindness and love and look to your past romances, thanks to which you have known, experienced a new part of you, you have put another small piece in the mosaic of your Life!


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